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Groundhog Day 2009: Did the Groundhog See His Shadow?

>> Monday, February 2, 2009

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Its groundhog day 2009! Puxatony Phil, that buck toothed weather forecaster is out of the hole. Did the groundhog see his shadow? Unlike Al Gore's dire warning earlier that the earth is almost so hot it is ready to spontaneously combust, the rather large rodent used his incredible forecasting skills to predict, six more weeks of Winter! The groundhog saw his shadow.

It's unclear if Al Gore has chastised Puxatony Phil, screaming at the little furry creature that no matter what the weather and the consitions actually are showing, global warming is here and we are all going to die unless we stop living our lives.

I think that is why Puxatony Phil is so much more popular than Al Gore, even when he gives this forecast. New York brought out a copycat that they call Staten Island Chuck, and he says that six weeks more of winter is the wrong forecast.

Chuck -- "speaking" through New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg -- saw "absolutely no shadow."

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